Word and Image
Jacqueline Wyatt's 'Portrait of a Museum', made during her illustration class at Putney School of Art and Design, has been judged winner of the Inspired by... 2007 competition, in the 'Word and Image' category.
Jacqueline Wyatt with Barry Norris
Inspired by: ‘My work is inspired by the people who visit the V&A and what it is that they come to see. Each miniature portrait box contains a small object - a representation of a coveted "treasure" found in the museum, as unique and individual as the people who discover and delight in them.’
Image of V&A visitors © Jacqueline Wyatt
Jacqueline Wyatt with Ketty Gottardo
Her judges commented: 'This very imaginative work shows the artist's interest for both the museum objects and their beholders. Driven by a visit to our miniature portraits collection, art that flourished in England at the court of Henry VIII, Jacqueline Wyatt has adapted her inspiration to a more contemporary concept. She has marvellously combined the media of painting with small sculptures hidden in these treasure boxes, by making our experience of her art a sort of game. Her work invites us to open the boxes and discover each little object associated with the sitter. Reminiscent of the work of artists like Holly Frean, Wyatt has moved from there and proposes an interesting combination of the media which makes her work very attractive.'
Statement by Ketty Gottardo
Judges: AnneMarie Bilclough, Catherine Flood, Charlotte Holmes, Mor Thunder, Ketty Gottardo, Abraham Thomas and Natasha Jacoby
Entrant of the year
'NIACE's choice for the V&A Inspired by... entrant of the year is Jacqueline Wyatt for her work 'Portrait of a Museum'. The panel were very impressed not only by the quality of her work but also by the way she seemed to revel in the learning environment while creating the piece: sharing ideas and inspiration with her fellow learners. It was felt by the judges that Jacqueline had portrayed the real wealth and importance not only of museums but also of the learning experiences that can take place within them.'Judges: Barry Norris, Claire Woodward and Rachel Thomson
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